Jan 12, 2006 22:35
... Cough!
Work has been super busy recently - I think companies are eager to get 2006 off with a bang and get their products out there and sold which I can understand - just poor me delivering heavy catalogues! GRR!!!
I was off today which was great. I have a cold and well it was nice to be in bed all snug up to my duvet than be out on the road in the cold.
They want me in tomorrow to do overtime which is going to be abit of a pain because I am working a few hours in the evening. I'll be working 4-1 and then 4-7.... Good money though! Yay!
I am not exactly sure what happened the other day but I think I dis-located my shoulder. I was out on delivery and my bag was well over the weight it should be but I thought I could manage it. I picked up my bag the wrong way and my arm literally went "click" - "crunch" and just died. I had absolutely no idea what I had done but I knew how f..king painful it was. I stopped, tried putting my shoulder right and had no choice but to carry on. I spoke to a work mate the next day and apparently I should of just dropped everything, called my manager and had gone to the hosp - oh well. My arm's ok now... Woo!!
Living Arrangements..
Me and Dan have been discussing things and have decided to move to a bigger place within Salford. He has been offered a fulltime job in the salon he is training at and I am looking to do more time at work so it would be much better for the both of us. Will have to keep you updated on that one!!!
I'm joining Saturday.... Enuf said! haha Current weight: 12S 6lbs | Target Weight: 11S 0lbs
My birthday is in May - many moon's away and we have been discussing where to go to celebrate. Our choices so far have been - Birmingham or Brighton. Brighton would be better because we have never been before, it's cheap, gay and different BUT... could you come up with another suggestion?????? - PLEASE HELP!!
Hope everyone is alright and will comment soon.