I can't remember the last time I posted a blog on here. I am not very good at keeping up with these sites.
2 years and 4 months have passed since started T. It's pretty neat to sit here and randomly realize that I have been on T longer than 2 years. The time has really flown by quite fast.
There have been a couple of exciting things that have happened recently in my life.
First thing being that my girlfriend and I just moved into our first house. We are really excited about it. We were living with a really good friend of ours from work, but soon came to realize that he is VERY irresponsible when it comes to money and such. Plus, if we want to take the next step in our relationship, being engagement, we don't really want to have a third wheel around. So it has worked out good so far. Things will be tight for a bit until we figure things out financially, but that is usually how it is for first time home owners.
The second big thing that happened this summer was that I got my name changed a few weeks ago on August 16th. I have gotten my name changed at the college I attend now. I have to change it with social security, the dmv, and the health department. It sucks though because its just seems to be a game where you run around in circles. It will all get done eventually, but at least it is legal now.
I'm not sure who will read this, if anybody. I know there were a few people that read my page. If there is anybody out there, I am going to include a few links of where you can find me for more up to date things (pretty daily).
Take care!
http://www.youtube.com/hydenryke I am also on this chat daily. It is a chat for FTM's, MTF's, and all allies! Come check it out. I am on my webcam most of the time in it. (Don't worry, if you don't have a webcam, you can still come chat!)