I thank you so so so so so much DX, for making the Spirit Squad wear actual cheerleading outfits. Thank you so so much for making them appear as they really are: Extremely gay. Thank you!!
And pls don't bully Chris Masters, it's not his fault that losing all that muscle weight actually made him look better. I think I actually like him now.
You know what's not cool? When you dream all night about photoshopping icons. It was such a nightmare. I think I might cry. But that's why I made these, and I'll throw in the last one as well...:
Artsies! @.@/!!
No, this is not the one for the free comm, but uh, I'm working on the angst, this is not angst, right? IS it? I don't think it is... ???
Uh, but this, oh, this is bad. The drawing spawned to other drawings (from the same scenario) where, uh, I apparently drew them........ uh, kissing and uh and another frame and another frame that will eventually lead to Wincest smex....... *running away screaming* OMGI'MSOGOINGTOHELLFORTHATTT!!
You guys got room there in that Special Hell? Coz I'm coming in...
Remember the potrait I did before of Leon that's still not finished? It's still not finished btw, but there is progress!
I darkened the lines, more detail on hair, fixed his chin, nose and a wee bit of work on his eyes. There's a big difference, dontcha think? But I'm still not satisfied. More fixing!
Just curious to see what I can come up with. I failed.
Sorry Draco, dear...
Oh, don't mind this, it's just a drawing which is a follow up to a drawing I made that I posted on my DeviantArt apge, about Naruto's birthday...