An Update

Mar 26, 2005 22:44

Mood: Shocked and Saddened

I was shocked to find out that Kelly Conlon died! I didn't know her that well, but I had heard of her when they were doing fundraising for her to raise money for her double-lung transplant. I found out she died from my friend Corie's away message and later passed on the bulletin that was circling MySpace that day:

Early this morning, Kelly Conlon, passed away. Leaving her parents and sisters in sadness. Kelly underwent lung transplant on February 26th 2005. Yesterday, kelly went into surgery at children's hospital at about 4 o'clock. she had been bleeding internally and they think it may be a tear or leak in her pulminary artery. the surgery goal was to find the leak and repair it. Nurses could not fix the tear, however it was not in the pulminary artery. Kelly Conlon was a very strong young woman. Getting ready to graduate in a month and a half from Stoneham High School, as a proud young senior. Everyone was happy to hear she'd be back in time for her big day and she'd be ready to graduate. Sadly today, tears filled the school as they lowered the flag and made a depressing announcement at 10 past 8 this morning about Kelly's passing. Kelly was very optomistic and always looked at the good things in life and she appreciated it very much. So close to her goal, she almost made it...but she succeeded at life. Kelly Conlon will very much be missed by her friends, the student body of Stoneham High, but most of all her Family...for sticking by her side through all the good times, pain and suffering. Thank you, Kelly, for showing us how precious life can be. We'll miss you very much.

Post this bulletin and keep Kelly and her family in your hearts and in your prayers. Thank you

I cried when I found out not only because it's always such a tragedy when someone young dies, but because the circumstances of her death hit way too close to home for me. I had a half-sister named Erin who had CF (Cystic Fibrosis) and had to have a double-lung transplant. Erin died in recovery of her double-lung transplant too...2 days before Christmas 1999. The news of Kelly's death almost feels like I've just lost my own sister again. So rest in peace, Kelly, and say hi to my sister for me.

♥ In Loving Memory of Kelly Conlon October 31, 1986 - March 21, 2005 ♥
♥ Remembering Erin McMahon February 2, 1976 - December 23, 1999 ♥
In other news...

Mood: Excited!

I just got back from Spring Break. My Spring Break wasn't too eventful, but I think I like it that way. I got some much needed relaxation in - sleeping in until past noon on most days lol. My family and I also went down to Foxwoods in Connecticut and you'll never believe what happened there! We stayed overnight in a VIP suite lol because that's all they had left! We ordered $100 worth of food for room service AND the most exciting thing that happened to me there was:

I won a jackpot of $1,000!!!

and NO I AM NOT LYING! It was so cool - I won it on a 25 cent slot machine playing Joker's Wild video poker. The winning hand consisted of four 6's and a joker making 5 of a kind! LOL my brother, father, and mother were so impressed (my sister didn't go with us because she had to work). My father had taken me to Foxwoods for my 21st birthday last year and I lost and I've only been back there maybe 2 or 3 times since then and this is the first time I actually won anything lol. Not only that, after I won the $1,000 I went on to win another $100 at another slot machine, so my total winnings were about $1,100. So that was the highlight of my Spring Break!


Mood: A little surprised and worried...

I also got my midterm grades over Spring Break. Here's how I did:

Course: BIO 155-01 Human Biology & Reproduction
Instructor: Dawn E. Poirier
Mid-term Grade: B+

Course: ENG 261-01 Dramatic Literature
Instructor: Jeffrey A. Skillings
Mid-term Grade: F

Course: MUS 116-01 Musical Theatre Ensemble
Instructor: Robert J. Goldman & Marianne S. Lonati
Mid-term Grade: A

Course: MUS 121A-01 Voice
Instructor: Diane Winchester
Mid-term Grade: A

Course: MUS 143-01 American Musical Theatre
Instructor: Myron L. Schmidt
Mid-term Grade: F

Course: THA 234-01 Acting 2: Scene Study
Instructor: Craig W. Handel
Mid-term Grade: B+

And I dropped COM 112F-01 Newspaper Practicum because I didn't need the class to graduate, it was only 1 credit, and it was turning out to be more work than it was worth. So except for Dramatic Lit and American Musical Theatre, I'm doing pretty well lol. I knew I wasn't doing too well in Dramatic Lit, especially because I never passed in Major Writing Assisgment #1 which was 3 papers we had to write on Oedipus Rex. Luckily, I think I did pretty well on the midterm and he said that that would could towards 2nd quarter cuz he wouldn't have time to put it on the first. So if I did good on the midterm and I do really well on Major Writing Assignment #2 coming up hopefully I'll pass the class lol. As for American Musical Theatre, I wasn't expecting an F but the only way I can figure I got an F is that he probably based it entirely on test #1 because that's pretty much the only grade for the first part of the semester. Unfortunaely I got a 40 on that test, so I wound up with an F for midterm grade. Fortunately, I passed in my review for "The Producers" on time and there are 3 more tests during the rest of the semester, so if I do really well on those I can bring my grade up. I was surprised about my Bio grade too...I didn't think I was doing that well lol! And Musical Theatre Ensemble, Voice, and Acting weren't really surprises. Well, I guess that's it for now. Take care!
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