
Aug 20, 2005 06:36

So this past twodays
I couldnt really sleep
I think I had total of what 7~8 hrs of sleep
Because my allergies been really kicking my ass.
But last night I was able to sleep for a bit about 5 mins.
and I had the shittiest dream ever.
In that 5mins, I dreamt about Blink`182 music video
now that sucks, wasting my dream for somethins shitty like that.
and it was about Jimmy Reed And I argue over that music video
Reed:"no way Devin that video gotta be at lesat 3 mins"
Jimmy: "Blinkd 182 all the way!"
Me: "Reed, it's more like 2mins, fine let's watch it and find out"
and we watched it, and I woke up

now it's 6:30am
we're leaving soon to this place.

Later today,
we are going to Northfield media arts cafe to hang out with
Rachael, Santina and Lena
We hanv't saw 'em in so long, it'd be nice to see them again.
also before Lena going home to Ireland in 15 days or so, so yeah.
It should be fun.
When this thing is done, I am going straight to bed.
If i can sleep

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