Mar 11, 2004 18:51
Well, I'm going to whine here, as I am prone to do.
I can't help but feel a little upset...after all, school's been hectic, we've been dealing with a principal who's been less than reasonable to my friends and me, and the ol' home life is back at its "Huh? Oh yeah, you're still in this house" feeling. Just sitting at dinner now, my dad asks my brother if he'd be interested in baby-sitting a couple of kids when they go out to dinner to say goodbye to a friend of the family who's leaving the neighborhood. He says no, because it's during school and he'd have parents insist, he's says if he has to, no big deal. Except my parents never looked my way, nor have they as long as I've lived. It has either been that we have been offered a job together, or he gets it. I thought I came off as nice and responsible, you know, what with a pretty decent record on me. Worst part is is that the day it would be my spring break, so I'm free and willing, and my parents know that I want to earn some form of cash, yet they never think to offer it to me. Following this, my mom asks where we would all like to go out to dinner tomorrow night, then promptly remembers that I have rehearsal. She kinda half mentions it, saying, "Oh wait, Keaton has rehearsal tomorrow...," as if it were something that was wrong. Oddly enough, when my brother had rehearsal, my parents were always proud to announce that because he had rehearsal, we'd have to do something else to accommodate it. It's not that they favor him more or anything, it's that it always comes off as this kind of, "Oh yeah...well, there go the plans," kind of feeling. I've said on numerous occasions, "I have to do this, will you help?"
"Yeah, sure"
The next day, they say they never heard me and kinda forget about it again. Oh well, this has always happened, so it has never really bothered me. But the thing that really bugs me is the way they treat me when I try to do something for myself. For instance, if they ask me, I'll do it, and I should think I earn credit for that. But when my first grade in my AP Latin class is in the high 80's, my mom comes in and tells me I should not play around as much and focus more on classwork. I've had straight A's since 2nd grade. I think I've proven that I work hard. My PreCalc grade drops to 93%, the highest in the class, and my mom comes in and tells me that she thinks I should try harder. It's not forceful, but it sure is mean, because if she doesn't think I'm doing my best to succeed in all my classes, I don't know what happened to all the hard work I put into everything that has come before. Oddly enough, they always manage to focus on the worst aspects of everything I do. I come home with a 98% in World Religions and 100% in Web Design, and what comes up? The fact that my 88.6% in AP Latin is too low. I am extended general courtesies when I'm at home, but even when I'm with my friends it can also be this way (has anyone noticed how badly I divide my paragraphs? Well too bad, my journal).
They met my brother and instantly fell in love with him, and I don't blame them. He's a nice kid and can be really fun (of course, I live with him, so I don't feel quite this way). But when they start asking for him instead of me, constantly saying that they want him to come, and if he can't, they always sound disappointed, it kinda stings, because they don't ever mention that they value anything I have to say or do, and if I say that I can't come, they really don't seem to care much...The following is an oddity that I've noticed, and that is that when we're all saying goodbye, because we're all really close, everyone gives each other a hug goodbye and says bye, but half of the time, I'll be standing there and they'll go up to everyone else and give them a big ol' hug and say bye, and then we'll all head out the door. Huh, everyone got a hug and a sayonara except me, whom no one seemed to notice was gone. Been a while since that's happened (2 years, I think) and it's one of the things that really gets to me the most, because I really don't like being ignored. Quiet folks generally don't like it when the loud ones shout over us and get everything, I'm thinking. That's about all the incoherent whining that I can give out today, so stay tuned for my next biannual update.
And vhisper, you may not say much, but you pound the crap out of anyone who dares to even look at you, therefore you do not qualify as quiet =P. I'm sorry about that time at Alex's, which I know makes me a hypocrite, which is why all this is is whining, so if you people are still reading, quit prying and go away =P
Oh, and I have no intent of "speaking up," for I am not the kind of person who has the ability to do that, especially because whenever I try, someone makes me close my mouth and let them have a chance to speak.