Sep 18, 2007 21:34
You know something? It just occurred to me that in ANY of the CLAMP manga (to my knowledge), there is no kissing. There's suggested kissing, like two heads hidden by a curtain (coughSORATAARASHIcough) but there has never been any good views of liplocking. Perhaps something more (Kokuyo and Hisui for example did a LOT of snuggling and nuzzling and whatnot and then some...) but no blatant show of typical intimacy.
They are very, VERY sneaky women indeed. I think it's to drive the fans crazy.
That aside, Kurogane is a big, utter IDIOT. A loveable idiot, but he cut off his frakkin' arm! Did it ever possibly occur to him that he could die of oh, let's think, BLOOD LOSS?! I know it was to help save Yuui, but fraggin' Primus...he is a reckless man if I've ever seen one.
It's love. Of some kind or another. Or else he wouldn't have bothered to hack off a limb to save him. What's Tomoyo-hime gonna say now?
The kids at the Youth Center were taught how to draw robots some more. ^_^ They are so cute.
Transformers is LOVE.
And I think I'm lapsing back into my Ouran hype a little bit too. Kyouya is absolutely WICKED.
School starts a week from tomorrow. Whoop-dee-doo!
ouran hs host club,
tsubasa reservoir chronicle,