Feb 24, 2007 21:30
I braved traffic, road closures, and rain, and got Mr Super Clear! So now I can touch up the dolls if anything happens. Phew. I feel more secure now.XD
Also got the first volume of Mushishi.:3 I had Kinokuniya coupons that expire on Feb 28, so figured that there was nothing better to spend it on. I like how they use lowercase fonts as opposed to all caps - it took some getting used to, but I like it. (I guess it's because they don't use furigana in Afternoon, so the word balloons are smaller.) Bleach 17 is also out, but I'll wait till I go to Borders for that.
And the Latidolls are out after being delayed for a whole... few hours (is it still Saturday in Korea?), but that goes to my bjd filter.:3
bjd supplies,