YESSSS Link proved he's the Hero again!
OK so the first three Silent Trials I kind of get. They're to unlock the gifts of the Goddesses Din, Nayru and Farore so that Link can progress. But the last one really makes no sense except to DRIVE THE PLAYER NUTS since it's to prove to HYLIA that Link is the true hero.
But the last one feels unoriginal. OK maybe Hylia is a young goddess compared to the 3, and so she modeled her Hero's Trial after theirs. And maybe also she figured that the hero who passed the first three trials would have no trouble with the last one. WELL EXCUUUUUUSE ME PRINCESS.
I would like to meet the person who came up with the concept of the Silent Realms, shake his hand, and then LOCK HIM IN ALCATRAZ FOR THREE DAYS with a handful of Guardians for company. oh and about two hundred windchimes.
I have to admit when Fi said that the Stone of Trial was one of a pair and Link had to go find the other one, I was all "W. T. F-TY-F!!!" but then I recognized what it was and Link dashed over to it immediately.XD
I suppose I like how this game rewards you for noticing the small details. But FOUR SILENT TRIALS. DAMN.
Also, I realized that I didn't do a side quest in the proper order because I got a cutscene that was clearly supposed to have happened before Link began the side quest.XD It's not a gamebreaker, but it is pretty funny since I've pretty much finished the entire side quest already.:P