(no subject)

Dec 10, 2005 12:36

whoa, I just had a revelation, for a long while I've wanted to go into politics and for even longer I've wanted to join the army. So I figured it out finally. I intend to go through college and all, become a sucessful politician like a governor then lead a segment of whatever state I'm governing's national guard when they get called into action. Ya know, lead by example, show any enemies of the US that all of its citizens are willing to fight and die for a just cause, even those who hold rank within the government. I think that the time has to end of us electing war heroes to governmental positions, instead we should elect the warriors themselves, people who are not only willing to talk the talk but indeed walk the walk as well. A wise man makes the strongest warrior that ever can be, and if our wisest men are all off the front lines what is it left that gives our army its strength. I'll tell you the answer, the hearts of our men, so strong that they do not falter in the face of a lack of leadership. It is like in wars of time gone by most if not all men surrendered or fled the moment that their leader fell, in our wars it is as disheartening as if the leader had already fled himself, yet our men fight on because they know that it is right. The world fears us now, but in the future I wish for the world to respect us. If the globe knows respect, if every country respects one another then wars simply would not arise. It is because we do not respect the world that it hates us, and it is because it hates us that we do not respect it.

Peace Through The Echo (ask me about this if you want),
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