Jul 21, 2008 13:45
Classic Pancake quotes.
JMTxRAGEofANGELS: i WAS gonna read
JMTxRAGEofANGELS: and i did read a lil
JMTxRAGEofANGELS: but then i was like boooo getting smarter
JMTxRAGEofANGELS: and i couldnt spell alcohol
JMTxRAGEofANGELS: i could drink it
JMTxRAGEofANGELS: but i couldnt spell it
JMTxRAGEofANGELS: every time a worker tries to enter my table/personal space bubble im like NOOO CHILDRENS BOOKS MINE!
JMTxRAGEofANGELS: o jk nvm
JMTxRAGEofANGELS: dude cops make me so nervous
Best brother EVER.