I have the best conversation partners ever, always.

Jun 23, 2008 22:14

AIM Logger is amazing. It captures timeless moments, such as the following dialog.

Chris: be afraid of raccoons, not squirrels
Me: That shows you my position on squirrels.
Chris: those assholes are evil. and possums, them to.
Me: I fucking hate raccoons.
Me: So. I was on the phone walking around the apartment complex when I noticed a GIANT RACCOON in the tree next to me, hissing.
Chris: why do you hate cute woodland creatures?
Me: I kind of freaked out and turned to walk away very slowly and almost tripped over an even bigger one.
Me: Horrifying.
Chris: it just wanted to eat your face, nothing that bad
Me: aww, you little thing I forgive you. All you wanted to do was give me disfiguring lesions and potentially life-threatening diseases. UR SO CUTE
Me: NO. Life does not work that way!
Chris: you have no idea how much you just made me laugh
Me: Thank the raccoons and squirrels.
Me: This moment brought to you by: rabies.
Chris: pfft, only like 5 people a year die of rabies.
Me: I suppose so.
Chris: but most of the infected people end up with giant holes in their brain!
Chris: woo!
Me: Oh, I heard that is also a symptom of a zombie encounter.
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