hEyy! soRrY i haVen'T upDateD in A whiLe..i'Ve bEen At eEe's hoUSe THis wEekenD!!
-------mE anD hEr madE up thiS toTalLy pimPeD ouT dAnce To sHakE iT likE a sAlt sHakEr.. deff. a musT sEe--------
-------mY neW niCknAme is cO*Co .. yEa yoU have tO use tHE liTtlE * .. lol LindSey mAde iT up foR me! sO yeA ..geT iT riiiiGhT-------
-------WeLL ..hEre'S somE pIctureS foR yOu------
aW .liNdsEy<3
HahA. yEa fUnny piC!
GiRl pLEaSeeeeE!
mWaH --<3
LoL.. hMmm .yea!
Ok yEa..i'M a roCksTar<3
hAHahhHAhah ..i <3 thIS piC!!
Lol ..YePppERs!
awWww.hOw CutE! Hah..
mE in The Car! Uh hUh ..?
KRaZiiii LindSey!
aT thE baLLpaRk
awwWww.HanNaH !! wIth niCk's SungLassEs on!
aNd LasT.. eEe aNd hEr bOyfRIned jAke! <3
sO yeA commEnt .. pLeasE anD thANk yOu!!
eveRyonE haVe a gooD 4th oF juLy!! <3 HaH ..mucH lOve to aLl of mUh hoMieS --<3 .. !!!