In Which Aunty Thorny Becomes a Filthy Assistant, Among Many Other Things

Jul 10, 2011 08:21

Life has not been dull. I started at a new job at another consulting expert firm and in just under 60 days I have had six job descriptions up to my current one which the main function is assistant to the president of the company. The job description evolution has been interesting because every change has been an addition of tasks and responsibilities. I overheard the head of operations comment when asked if too much was being piled on me “Oh hell no, she’s hit everything we’ve thrown at her.”

It’s not all puppy smiles and kitten farts - the first two weeks the office was a snake pit. There were horrific cliques, the president had a huge hate-on for his then assistant and the person that was supposed to be training me spent the majority of her time complaining about how difficult her job was. The leader of the worst clique refused to speak to me and kept on trying to mad dog me. Girl, please, I have boots older, and tougher, than you. I am not the person you want to purposely seek out to try to intimidate.

But things shook out well. Clique leader was fired and my trainer quit. I actually got to learn to do my tasks and members of the worst clique decided it would be very politic to stop glaring and start making nice with me.

SIGH Really? Really?

So. The person I’m assisting is from a construction background so it’s a sure bet that if his lips are moving he’s lying. And he’s ADHD. Brilliant, boundless energy, but all over the place.

I had to say goodbye to my cat Desdemona due to kidney disease and old age. It was one of those double-edged decisions: so very had yet so very right. Her decline was sudden. She would have been 17 in August and her death seemed like the closing on an era for me. Her, and her siblings who we also adopted, were with me before I was married. To borrow a thought from Bloodcult, Desi is in Paris with Esther and Piper lounging on a sun warmed cobbled street before heading off for a rousing game of MadCat through a lush green park.

Also now missing are my housemates of the last two years. They have headed on a grand adventure to the greener pastures of the East. They will also be missed.

At the moment I am looking for a new apartment closer to where I work. Our current landlord directed us to another property he manages saying it was a “quaint” building. Quaint as in abandoned property across the street, varying gang graffiti, and addled young tweakers with white supremacists prison tattoos wandering around out on the sidewalk. That’s a new definition of quaint!

There is an area, one particular road, in La Mesa that we are focusing on. Hopefully we will be able to tour the buildings this week and drop a deposit for a move-in in the middle of August.
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