Hello H&V!
Wow, this is so unexpected! I hadn't prepared a speech.
Well, needless to say I'm quite honored. I've finally reached the point where the time since I finished Lessons and Obsessions has almost met the time that it took me to write it. Having been away for it this long, it's such a treat for it to be brought back to my attention in such a
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If you're interested in reading it, links to all my fic, including L&O can be found on my journal, here: http://lennanightrun.livejournal.com/56747.html
Another person who's read Hard Knocks! I'm so happy! That dynamic between characters like Hermione/Draco and Ron/Draco is exactly why I've chosen those pairings to write. I chose Ron for DBB as a challenge to myself, and man was it challenging! But I ended up being very happy with it in the end, and it's great to know that other people liked it, too ( ... )
And thank you so much for all of your helpful advice. I really appreciate that, you're amazing.
Definitely let me know your thoughts on my other stuff if you have time to :)
I will definitely let you know (be prepared for more gushing). I'm always so excited when I find a good author who writes my favorite pairings :D
Definitely consider making some lists of characteristics if it's not a pain. I think it could really help. You can also find good resources online like wikis that can give you helpful info.
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