More Nick and Greg stuff

Sep 27, 2006 00:20

Disclaimers: You can't touch me for I am the QUEEN of POOR!
Rating: PG13
Plot: The Phone Call
Title: Naughty Dads
By: hawtboyluvin

"Hey Nick" Greg called from the bathroom. "Your mom called."
"What'd she want?" Nick asked as he came into the bathroom.
"She wanted to talk to you, but got me instead." Greg said from the bath tub
"Is everything okay?" Nick inquiered as he sat down on the edge of the tub.
"Oh yeah everything is fine." Greg said to calm Nick down. "Well..almost."
"What the hell is going on there?" Nick demanded.
"Well my mom and dad were going to your folks for the weekend remember?"
"Yeah, which is really weird." Nick confessed.
"So my dad and your dad went into the city and decided to rent some movies"
"Okay so what did they rent?" Nick asked
"Well these were far from any blockbuster." Greg joked.
"What did they rent Greg?" Nick questioned.
"Hard Working Men and Hot Crossed Buns" Greg started laughing.
"OH MY GOD" Nick moaned "They didn't" Nick whined.
"Our fathers watched two men banging thier brains out." Greg giggled.
"What were they thinking?" Nick asked as soon as he stopped laughing
"Your mom was about dying when she told me why" Greg got out.
"Why did they" Nick asked.
"They wanted to know what we do when we have sex!!" Greg told Nick
"Oh no." Both men were giggling.
"I know I'm ganna be teasing my dad for weeks." Greg smirked
"I'm ganna go and call my dad right now" Nick said as he got up and left.
"Bring it to me when you're done" Greg called out.


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