- Will have DSL on Friday. Weeeee!
- Had training today at the range. All day in the sun, and I put sunscreen on 3 times and still managed to get burned. Yes, I am THAT white, pale and fair skinned. I somehow burned the top of my head too and it hurts like hell. I didn't wear my hat (I hate wearing hats), but had all my hair pulled up in a ponytail and thought my poor little scalp was covered. Guess not. OW.
- Very tired tonight and will be falling asleep in about 5 minutes (after I finish this update). Was up at 0'dark thirty with a bad tummy ache. I think having the bar in the house is going to cause my innards great grief. I really should know better.
Okay, I'm sleepy and need to see some hot Jennifer Beals ass (cause for good dreams I hope) before I go to sleep. Tivo is the greatest invention evar. Oh and for awesome L Word recaps, go here:
http://www.afterellen.com/TV/thelword/recaps2.html this chick is hysterical.