phone calls filled with lies if you only knew how she sees you in her eyes

Jun 17, 2004 12:19

♥Name: jennifer lynn
♥Age: 15
♥Location: millville mass. let me guess, never of heard of it? yeah no one has.
♥Sexual Preference: i like the cock.
♥Weight: 105 ish i believe.
♥shoe size: 7 and a half.
♥G/f Or B/f: nope.
♥Height: a little under 5 ft. yes, i'm a midget, thanks. :x.

!!Random Questions!!

♥Are you a virgin? no, can't say i am..
♥Do you have a job? not currently.
♥Who is your favorite Actor and Actress? i really like jake gyllenhaal and kirsten dunst. especially in the virgin suicides. <3
♥Do You have any brothers or sisters? i have a little brother, he's 7.

♥Movies: Donnie Darko, Kill Bill 1 + 2, Virgin Suicides, White Oleander.
♥+10 Bands or more: cursive, alexisonfire, the movielife, masic, coheed and cambria, from autumn to ashes, poison the well, underoath, as i lay dying, everytime i die, marching through silence, feeling left out, give up the ghost (THEY BROKE UP YESTERDAY! :[), walls of jericho.
♥Food: Taco Bell <3. oh sweet jesus...
♥Colors: black and white. ocassionally pink.
♥Books: stargirl, the lost boy, to kill a mockingbird.
♥sex position: i like being a cowgirl. yeehaw! haha.
♥Body part: hipbones and jaws.
♥Thing about yourself: probably my sense of humor, or ability to fix other people's problems. or maybe my consideration for others.

!!Fill In the Blank!!

♥A big Long pickle attacked Emily's sister Becky.
♥I like to eat lots of small children. or taco bell.
♥I dance around in my converse sneakers only.
♥Please Gimme a gummy bear. or a hug. just kidding. dont hug me. gross.
♥Want to have Mad hot, steamy, intense, sexual birthday parties?.


♥Tell Us an embarassing story about yourself. hokay so. it's my friend and i are chilling outside this grocery store eating whip cream and cherries. don't ask me why, we decided to be kinky, you know how it is. anyways, and this car full of boys drive by and beep at us. we felt wicked cute and sexy. they turn around and come back and are all happy and waving at us and hooting, they get closer, see us, and screamed in sheer horror of our faces. we didn't feel so cute and sexy anymore.
♥Why should you be accepted to Hawt_Shit? well, aside from being hawt..and the shit..i'm completely and brutally honest and post a lot. a post whore to the max.
♥What do you think of the hawt sexy ass Mods? incredibly sexellent!
♥Do you like Rating Communities? i do, i like the whole feeling of excitement of people telling me flat out how they feel about me. yay for judging.
♥What bands do you consider "punk"? "punk." well it can be defined as many different things, but whenever i think of punk, i think of bands like new found glory, who are absolutely shitty to the max.
♥Are you bi polar or have mood swings? i'm not going to lie to you, i am bipolar. i was just diagnosed with it about two weeks ago.
♥Where did you hear about this community? someone asked me to join in my livejournal through a comment.
♥Do you really think you are that hawt? HONESTLY. i think i have my hawt moments. haha.

!!Your Veiws On!!

♥Drugs: wicked gaycore. you don't need drugs to make you happy, or have a good time. they're just they're as decoys. effing gay.
♥Abortion: i'm sure i'm going to get a bunch of hate from this, but i'm pro-abortion. its no one else's decision to make. if you feel it's the appropriate thing to do, and you're willing to pay the money for it, power to you.
♥The President: i really don't have a view on him. i can't vote, or anything, so i guess i don't really care.
♥vegitarians: i think it's fine. if you don't want to eat animal, you shouldn't have to.
♥Alcohol: incredibly stupid. i used to drink, and i'd forget my problems, then i'd get sober and they'd be ten times worse. it's pointless.
♥Smoking: freaking stupid. stupid stupid stupid.
♥Sex: sex is fun. i like sex.
♥Butt sex: not for me. but what you do in your bedroom behind closed walls, i don't care about.
♥The Mods: i think they're all quite hawt. yep.
♥Brittany Spears: i think she's pretty, and has a decent voice. but i'm not into the kind of music she produces.
♥The Blood Brothers: the sex. <3

!!Three Clear Pictures of You!!
(We prefer Pictures of only you.. But if group is all you have thats okay) here they are..they aren't the greatest but i hope they'll do.

<3 enjoy!
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