read it (Harry Potter OotP)

Jun 22, 2003 23:41

So, it's over.
Didn't think I'd read it that quick, but I did. Not that it matters. I won't say what I thought about the ending without an lj cut, since that could be considered spoilery. I know others thought this and that about the book, but I thought it was....

...good, an improvement on the last. I didn't find it dragged that much and certainly not as much as GOF. It was a long book, but it didn't feel long to me. Big pattern of AngryShouty!Harry throughout the book, not that much romance between major characters going on, though hints of what may come. I'm feeling a little drained after reading the book. I know some out there don't like the books, but I do, and OOTP was a good book IMO. Wish the twist that had happened in the book didn't happen, don't see why it had to happen except for more angst, but it did. Gotta deal with it. Ah well, there's always Alternate Universe fanfic...... dammit. Why did it have to be who it was?


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