(no subject)

Aug 21, 2006 19:56

It's been too long since I've posted one of those meaningless meme things that annoy people looking for, like, original content. It's almost refreshing to do.

This thing gave me a lot of adult stuff for quite unassuming interests, so I changed some of the pictures to less... interesting ones.
Alt country gave me a kitchen. I'm not sure how memes is represented by a cute bag. What's used to represent the newsgroup "umta" is unrecognisable ('tis right next to the George icon used to represent umter). Representing America is the Statue of Liberty with a gun.


I already did one of those haiku meme things elsewhere but this seemed quite eerily like me:

make me want to cross
the line a dark line that meant
dwelling further on

Couldn't get the damn html to work so had to plain text it.

EDIT: It's interesting to see what it does for certain people on my flist:

for korovyov_x

money can do and
just hope that one day someone
will come along who

for tinimaus

when it turned nice
again the timing couldn't
have been home from school

for missbingley

tries so hard and he
just fails he tries so hard and
he just fails he tries

for immortalradical

deliver he's just
as playful and misleading
as anything else

for snowking

edit 3 things the
hoggy inqusitions wants
three presents go here

Endless minutes of amusement, I tells ya.

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