Sep 11, 2003 21:17
I've just woken up another mild headache. I have no idea why that keeps happening, but it certainly isn't being helped by the fact that I'm rather aggravated by the fact that I have no idea where I am anymore. The lack of schoolgirls here seems to be fairly strong evidence of that, and I must say, someone must be an, heh, awfully sick individual to deprive those young ladies of their Holy Spirit. Oh, I wonder what sort of purpose they're going to have in their lives now...
But anyway, as I've said before, I'd quite like to know where it is I'm currently residing. That last thing I remember seems to be some "private investigator" - though from his appearance and manner, I wonder what sorts of "private" things he "investigates", heh heh - and that reporter fellow who had been staying at the school for awhile splashing some sort of oil on me, and I can't remember what else happened after that. Fact is though is that now, I appear to be locked up in some ugly old house, probably in the middle of nowhere. The last time I was awake, there wasn't anyone in the house and I thought it best if I tried to sneak out and find somewhere more entertaining to stay. Remembering how chilly it seemed to be the last time I went for a stroll outside on the school grounds (with some rather unfortunate, though thankfully temporary, tolls on my anatomy), I decided to also ransack the drawers for some clothing to bring along with me.
Well, after rummaging through the contents of that drawer and a few others, I must admit that whoever those clothes belong to has no taste whatsoever. Honestly, they're the ugliest things I've ever seen, I wouldn't wear them even if they were invisible. I mean, I thought the shirts were pairs of women's bloomers or something. And the last time I checked, I'm suppossed to be the Invisible Man, not the Invisible Fop. Really, I can't be only one who'd think that "Dr. Hawley Griffin, Invisible Foppish Dandy the First and Hopefully Last (If Ever) Who Occassionally Looks Like a Pair of Floating and Giggly Women's Undergarments" doesn't sound remotely threatening or dangerous in the slightest. Anyway, it doesn't matter much; whoever owns the house appears to have locked all the windows and doors, and lock-picking isn't a talent of mine, unfortunately; never thought it was a skill I'd need and I have more important things to do. Like strangling or beating or sticking fire pokers up somewhere on the person or persons keeping me in here.
Yes, that does rather sound like an enjoyable way for me to kill some time. Well, I'm actually going to see if I can steal some food first. Hopefully, it's not some girly stuff, I've had more than enough of that at the school (the only thing I couldn't stand there, to be honest)