Short form: I've fallen into
Second Life, where
sirthundermoon followed me, and dragged me (kicking and screaming) into Gorean roleplay. In the process of which we found a brothel that isn't actually part of the strict Gorean roleplay areas, but uses the tropes and mannerisms as a theme. Where I was hired and, in the course of 5 months (which is longer than it sounds, in the compressed time effect of the VR environment) I've risen to being part of the management team and one of the highest paid escorts in the club, making on the order of $50-$100 USD per week, almost all of which goes to support the land that
sirthundermoon has gotten and developed for the purposes of being a teaching and roleplaying area.
Back in the real world, I lost my job in September, Unemployment Department bureaucrats have been being particularly stupid, I got sick right after Thanksgiving with bronchitis bad enough they thought it was pneumonia and am only now really getting better (more or less stopped coughing, but still awful sleepies if I go anywhere). Due to other RL medical happenings across the year, we ran out of FSA money in September also, so the various things I was doing to keep going through the Fibromyalgia (maybe?) and the (suspected?) auto-immune issues I've been having since October of... ?2007? had to be stopped. After multiple arguments with multiple doctors, I'm back on the stew of meds I figured out for myself when this started, plus a pile of supplements for all the *other* things it could be.
I had put an LJ cut here to say 'if you really want to know more', but honestly? I'm not sure I want to drag it all out. If you *do* want to know more, comment here and ask.
One of the things that hasn't been happening at all is that I've been completely absent here, even for the (never achieved goal of) daily posts for
sirthundermoon. Something he suggested is that I write up my daily amusements and activities here, as part of that. That actually seems interesting to me, as one of the problems I had with writing daily was coming up with things to blither about.
But I'm not sure that everyone on my (admittedly not very large) friends list would be interested in hearing about the daily life of a snarky switchy hooker using Gorean tropes to separate marks from their in-world money (where $1 USD = 270-280 Lindens). So, if you *would* like to hear about that, please also comment on this post and I'll make a separate filter for that.
Woke up in my Master's bed, where I'd put my avatar to sit while I slept. He was offline, so I left to go help a customer-turned-lover -- Cor -- with setting up his newly-bought house on the piece of land next to mine that he's just rented. Spent an hour or so admiring the free tiki-hut hottub he'd put on the roof of his gothic-style house, the cannon that he'd put on the roof overlooking my skybox, making walkways and positioning them, and trying not to giggle inanely at his flying around in a Napoleonic uniform. Admittedly, it *did* make him look good standing next to the cannon...
Put on silks and took off from there to go to the club, where the second of the Friday DJ events was happening. Danced my ass off there, at least partially waiting for
sirthundermoon to appear in-world; also waiting for two people who were getting the initial training in being an overseer to be done so I could take them around on the tour of the facilities -- both to show them what is where, and to let them see a 'hiring' tour in action. There was a girl who'd been hired earlier that morning but hadn't been given the full orientation -- one of the owners of the club had done the necessary required intake work, but I'd been about to go to sleep and begged off from finishing it. By the time the dance was over, one of the overseers-in-training had to take off to RL, so I just took the new girl and the overseer-in-training around on the tour.
After that was done, I noticed that the Lucky Chair Stalking group I'm were calling out a few chairs with my letter on them, so I bounced around with that for maybe an hour or so. Came back to the club and parked my avatar on a dance stool and started talking to folks about various random things. Around in there Cor came back online, as did
sirthundermoon. They both came into the club, Cor to sit and ogle the girls and gripe to me in private about the vagaries of decorating his house, SirThundermoon to dance with one of his other girls who was there just hanging out. Another gentleman came into the club, one who is a notoriously good tipper; he was in a foul mood, and I asked private if he'd like someone to talk to. (He's told me before that while he has no interest in a girl of my looks, he likes very much the way I write and how I can catch the interest of the men around me, and has always tipped me just as much in passing as he's tipped everyone else in passing. Hey, I can appreciate his honesty, and he's always been almost apologetic about not wanting to have anything to do with me sexually. I'm comfortable with him, I know where I stand -- it's just not a sexual *anything*.) He said no, but thanked me for the offer. About 15 minutes later, during which Cor'd been ogling one of the other girls and complimenting her more and more extravagantly the more she blushed, the Big Tipper paid me and that girl a rather extravagant amount of money -- and then told us to entertain Cor, as he had no real use for us.
So, mindful that the other girl was new, nervous, and could use practice, I basically did sensual seductive relaxing things while she did more sexual things on Cor, who had actually been talking to me privately about how he wasn't feeling particularly well, and thought he'd be camping out RL in the bathroom a lot that night. A few minutes later, the Big Tipper left, saying privately to me that Things Had Been Resolved; another few minutes Sir Thundermoon left, along with his other girl. Having been paid to entertain Cor for anywhere from 30-60 minutes (30 at my pay rate, 60 at the other girls), we continued.
A few minutes after *that*, Mr Big Tipper sent to me privately asking how we were doing; I told him, and he said he was thinking about bringing me to him for conversational distraction. That's what happened, and I spent the next couple of hours in the company of a high-end builder and scripter, discussing his latest project and asking him for help in learning how to script for myself.
When he was finally tired enough to set himself to rest, I went back to the club and talked to various folks, including Cor (who, sure enough, had spent the night uncomfortably), and the other overseer in training, Kor. By the time someone showed up who wanted to be hired, however, that Kor could follow me around and learn, I was exhausted. So I disconnected from SL and went to bed.
An interesting night, but an unusual one; there is frequently more sex than this.
Since then, I woke up and, finding
sirthundermoon offline, proceeded to write this before launchign second life. It got a 45 minute delay, because
sirthundermoon called me to talk and catch up with things and life as he drove to a local munch.
If this is the sort of thing you'd like to read, let me know.