Fasionably late to the meme party.

Feb 02, 2009 09:42

25 Things About Me, because I'm a follower and everyone else is doing it:

1. I had to stop reading books during my commute to and from work because i ended up spending too much time reading.

2. 3 of my best friends live more than 100 miles from me. one of them i've known for 10 years, and i talk to kind of infrequently (we're dudes, its how we roll), one i've met for one weekend and talk to almost every day, and one i've never met and talk to pretty much constantly.

3. I re-read the dune series pretty much every year (thats right, fuck your LoTR)

4. I can't deal well with silence so either my TV is on all the time or i'm playing music. usually tv though because i can tune it out easier.

5. when i find a show i like, ill torrent all the old seasons and catch up on the show in like 3 weeks.

6. i've had 15 kidney stones, but have never broken a bone.

7. my dream job would involve sitting around all day reading whatever books i wanted to and getting paid a lot to do it.

8. i used to want to be cool and popular, and then i realized i didnt really care anymore. however, i still care about what people who i think are cool think about me.

9. it's a bit of a badge of honor to survive chicago winters

10. i dont really like food all that much and most of the time i think of it as something i have to do.

11. i wish i had more occasions to wear a suit

12. i've never been and probably never will be happy with the way i look. i try not to think about it.

13. i work to hard to make certain people like me and they end up liking someone i'm not.

14. i can befriend any bouncer at any bar i go to. its a little weird really.

15.if you ask me what i'm thinking at any given moment, you have like a 75% chance of catching me in the middle of singing to myself.

16. i'm having more fun working on my fake reality dating show blog project with my friend than i've had writing anything else.

17. i haven't really felt at home since i was 11.

18. i never picture the women i'm interested in naked until after i've actually seen them naked because it feels rude to do so.

19. i dont post very often because i dont think my life is interesting enough to bother telling other people about.

20. for some reason, after each of my tattoos, i ended up not wearing a piece of jewlery. after my first one, i stop wearing a ring one of my exes got me, and after the second one i stop wearing my necklace.

21. i wish i had the time to go get another 5 or 6 degrees. i really miss going to school, and i really wish i had more time to learn everything i want to learn.

22. i've consciously tried to make my speech/writing more gender neutral because i am part of the feminist hive mind.

23. i find it somewhat satisfying that the internet seems to assume i'm a woman until told otherwise.

24. i'm proud of having kept a plant alive for 2 years.

25. I've had a ridiculously difficult time talking about myself for this long and i feel awkward and uncomfortable about the whole thing. so i'm going to go have a cigarette.

theres no working at work, obvious flirting is obvious, morgans fault

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