Mar 05, 2014 17:35
Our yard crows are entertaining. I am still working on telling the two adults apart from each other, but the group is very definitely a classic family group consisting of an adult pair + 2 youngsters from last year.
The crows are very quick to notice when something has changed and to check out that change for potential edibility or threat. This afternoon, a crow was poking around in the disturbed earth atop Imp's grave less than 15 minutes after we finished burying her (she is deep enough and under a layer of rocks so I'm not concerned about being dug up).
One of the tasks for today was going through more boxes of old baking stuff, and GAFilk things being checked out for suitability next year. I had a bag of old raw almonds, not yet rancid but no longer much flavor, either - those were tossed outside into the front yard for the birds.
Man did the crows have a blast finding the almonds amongst the grass. There was all sorts of cawing and hopping around. One of the youngsters would take each almond up to a tree perch, break it into pieces and eat it (dropping half the pieces). The other crows mostly cached their finds, flying a few dozen feet away to stuff the almond down into the lawn, then carefully pick up some adjacent leaf or grass debris and cover it.
This means the squirrels will be the next ones having a great day.
It did help cheer us up. As I type this, it's late afternoon, the light's definitely starting to fade, but there's still a crow working over the yard in search of more almonds.
There's a titmouse singing, and asparagus + sweet potatoes + grass-fed ribeyes about to go on the grill. So much to be thankful for.