'Coffee and Crayons' by ms_treesap Fandom:Life On Mars

Oct 11, 2007 15:35

Title: Coffee and crayons
Author: ms_treesap
Fandom and characters: Life on Mars. Sam Tyler, Ruth Tyler, OC
Rating: ‘Green Cortina’/PG-13

Beta: fanfic_whore
Prompt and spoilers: Prompt 47-‘He waxes desperate with imagination’ Hamlet, Act I Scene IV. Spoilers for episodes 1.1 and 1.8 (series one finale) with small ones for 2.4.
Summary: What if events had gone differently after the car crashed into Sam Tyler? A.U after 1.1.


A/N Sorry to Loneraven for this being ridiculously late! I have no (good) excuses.

fandom: life on mars, rating: pg-13

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