Eleven thoughts on X-Men 3

Jun 14, 2006 10:34

1. Repeat after me. The Dark Phoenix Saga is not a subplot.
It also might help to have the Phoenix Saga first.

2. Overall the reviews seemed about right. It was not in the class of the first two but not a franchise killer. The 2nd half picked up a bit for a lackluster opening act.

3. The big battle was pretty cool. Beast and Wolverine fighting side by side and Magneto leading troops. However it would of been helpful to the X-men if they had someone who had a power to say create rain and produce ice to counteract burning cars. Having some device that gets rid of mutant powers might additionally be useful on a rogue member of one's team. Perhaps even more useful then killing her.

4. Other then the major gaffe of changing the essence of Phoenix (Phoenix is an outside entity that possessed Jean Grey not born inside of her) there was one other continuity issue I was yelling at the movie for. If you want male and female for the Brotherhood it shouldn't be too hard to pick outs which ones. There is no reason those two should not have been Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, Magneto's children, and original Brotherhood members. You can't even make an argument that they wanted Callysto for her powers. She doesn't have those powers she used in the movie.

5. Beast and Kitty Pryde, my favorite two X-men, were both very well done. It is kind of like West Wing where a new guy brings in interesting and well developed new characters (well some of them) but royally screws up all the existing ones.

6. Has there ever been a character who is in the main team as underutilized as Collasus. Made Archangel look like the star.

7. Was Storm's only purpose to stand around until the perfect opportunity to say cliche lines came up?

8. Cyclops.. Rogue... nuff said.

9. Juggernaut is an unstoppable force thanks to mystical forces. Somehow that didn't quite come across.

10. Magneto abandoning Mystique was a bit out of character but more from a practically standpoint then a moral one. He wouldn't make an enemy of someone who knew so much.

11. Magneto and Wolverine movies have the potential to be very good. Also happily Silver Surfer will be in FF2. Now as long as they don't make the Coming of Galactus into a subplot...
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