Feb 08, 2011 10:08
Guys, Super Bowl evening was a blast. I was taken to the ER by my parents around eleven pm in fear I had appendicitis. At first they said the ultra sound showed no signs of it, that was good, but they did two tests, that were extremely uncomfortable to rule out ovarian cysts. At seven the next morning, I had only been able to grab a small amount of "naps" here and there, plus I was in serious pain and hadn't eaten for twelve hours, I get visited by surgeons three times to discuss my appendectomy. At least I have one less pointless organ out of my body now. Surgey went perfectly, and every staff member in the hospital was great, especially the nurses from the ER room to my recovery room. The good thing about getting the procedure done laproscopic is that they made three small incisions instead of a monstrous one right over my appendix. Sadly, I didn't get to see it (that was the first thing Fiona asked me last night when I got home).
I'm doing fine, I have an amazing family taking care of me and urging me to stay in bed unless I need to pee (which is very often). Scruffles might be a worry, trying to jump onto my stomach. She's got an amazing intuition about whenever I feel sick, and when I was sitting on the steps waiting to go the ER, she immediately came over and cuddled me. I'm a bit worried about getting my midterm in on Thursday for History, but have a feeling my teacher will understand not getting there because of surgery.
By the way, peeing in a bedpan: impossible no matter how much you want to go.