Its been awhile....

Sep 14, 2004 11:03

Its been so long I don't even know what to type anymore...

This week has been one busy and interesting one indeed-and its only Monday!

Anyways-my freshman, Alicia, played the role of fashion consultant this weekend and boy was it ever fun. I felt like such a girl! Me and the roommates, with Alicia in toe, went out to dinner and then to the mall for some clothes. All we did was laugh and dress up and talk about boys. It was a girls night out in every sense of the word-so much fun! Alicia is a really great friend and I'm glad she and I are getting the chance to hang out and get to know each other. My roommates like her too which is so important to me. I was so worried when they first met-I wanted them to like her so bad-but they do so all is well.

So I started the semester with 12 credits and one of the easiest schedules known to man and now, after two weeks, I am taking 18 credits and have more work to do then I can fathom. How is it that I keep doing this to myself? If it weren't for my teachers being so awesome and energetic I think I would absolutely lose it and give up on half of my activities. I joined Equinox Madness and I'm also a TA of the intro ceramics class. I'm also on E-Board for Red Key and my boss thinks E-Board needs to do more so thats keeping me busy as well. On top of all of that I'm still working some weekends at the Christmas Tree Shop and looking for a job on campus during my "free time"-like I have any.... But hey, I'm doing things I want to do and I'm having a good time so I really shouldn't complain that much. I was talking just the other night with Katie about this... Yeah I'm doing a lot and I'm busy and at some point will be stressed beyond belief but I wouldn't have it any other way. If I were going to a less expensive school I know I wouldn't be nearly as happy and I definitely wouldn't be getting this kind of education. I'm doing things I know will help me in the future and I think, taking advantage of all the services this school has to offer-I mean, my family has to fork over 35 thousand a year, living in state no less, I'm gonna do as much as I can and really make that money work for me. I'm not gonna have my parents break the bank just so I can slack off and have an easy schedule. I'm excited about the things I'm doing, I really am. It does take away from my time with my roommates but we do our best to hang out and keep the solid bond we have.

This weekend I get to spend some quality time with my mom and I'm really excited for it. We're going to the Renaissance Fair in Tuxedo New York, we've gone every year for the past ten years. It sounds dorky but this is not the typical run of the mill fair-this is a huge production that goes on for two and a half months out of the year, all of the actors are professional and practice year round. There are tons of vendors selling some of the most beautiful jewelery and art work I've seen as well as merchants selling one of a kind clothing and foot ware, not to mention the pottery, glassblowing, and metal fabrication-its an artist's dream really. The place is full of color and fun. I have yet to be disappointed at this fair. They do pretty much the same thing every year but I love it none the less. I wish someone here were wiling to come with me cause it really is a lot of fun-my friends from home have gone with me a few times and they all really enjoyed themselves. My friend Katie was going to come down from New Hampshire for this, but much like the Katie here-Friendly's has prevented her from having a good weekend... Anyways I'm excited for the weekend ahead and the time I'll get to spend with the moms. If anyone wants to come let me know-I'll get you a seat on the bus....

Okay I need to get going-I have more to talk about but since this is my first update in awhile, I'll leave it as it is-don't want to over do it too soon. I will try to update more often if I can I promise-sometimes this is the only way I get to hear from some of you-crazy schedules!
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