After a truly miserable day at work and a glass of perfectly terrible wine, and it's time for a stupid art dump post.
Beneath the cut: costume designs for DA2 Warden and AU Party-Member Karl, plus a couple sketches of Tobrius, of all people. Also general stupid things.
My Amell Warden-Commander, who has a silly first name. I don't like Bethany's Warden outfit--it isn't mage-y enough for someone who spent their entire life in the Circle and is therefore probably more than a little uncomfortable in trousers. Also feathery pauldrons.
Of course then I played Awakening and my Warden took about ten levels in badass, so this outfit no longer really applies. For one thing, that staff is so last game. Old and busted: Wintersbreath. New Hotness: Spellfury, fuck yes.
Oh look, Karl. Basically a palette-swap from Anders, I figure he raided Anders' closet before running off with Hawke. Or maybe they just shop at the same places, I don't know. I do like how his staff came out, though. Visible in the margins are my fevered scribblings of trying to divine the complex Karl-Anders-Hawke age relationship, which is difficult if you don't want anyone to come out of it creepy.
And suddenly Toby. Tobrius. Um, I needed a senior mage for a fic idea and didn't want to create an OC. After a great deal of exhaustive wiki-ing, I found that there are like... three mages who are neither confirmed dead, Tranquil, or apostates at the end of the game. Tobrius was the best one for my purposes. So then it became a question of "What's this guy like, anyway?" Well...
... or so I decided, at least. Stay tuned for more Toby, I think. I'm a little in love with him right now.