Mar 28, 2009 04:33
"No Peace in our Time" Pt. 2
A wise man asked 'do you want revenge or what's best for your people, because someday you will have to choose.' There are always choices to be made, decisions to debate, losses to asses. It is often that the most logical choice seems the most unsatisfying. Walking away from an unwinnable fight, taking the high moral ground when you shouldn't have to, choosing to handicap yourself for the sake of principal; these are all decisions that emotions tell us should go the other way. We should fight for pride, walk in shadows, and never hold back. Yet we do. We make the "logical" choice. Who would blame us, blame anyone, for using their great power in so wise a manner. But for this time, this place, this decision it seems not to matter. Even if we take the high road, conflict seems inevitable. Forces are at work that are far greater than we could have imagined and they have already decided there shall be no peace in our time. We should walk in shadows, bathe in darkness, and accept it. That is the logical thing to do...