May 16, 2004 19:29
i actually came online with the intention of talking to people (for the first time in four months) and no one was on. thanks guys. so i decided to change my lj, pretty isnt it? if anyone can help me change the post comment crap i'd appreciate it. i tried and i lost everything that i had just made. i stole jenn's font and i dont feel bad.
this weekend has officially blown.i got to go nowhere cuz my mom needed help. its not that i minded helping, cuz i didn't. but when that ass chris goes out after i ask if he'll be with mom, he leaves.. what a fucker. no worries though, jenn and i have mucho big plans for next saturday.
and no more worries about my parents seeing my progress report, i got it first. (now i just have to worry about not getting a d in math) it sucked mucho. but my teachers didnt grade a bunch of assignments that i turned in, so like 5 of my grades are wrong. it says that i have 5 bad grades and i only have one. way to go harrison. and it is now official, im dropping honors math 3.
::im trying to get through today::