Merry... whatever

Dec 23, 2005 20:22

Star Wars has more meaning to my life than Christmas (and Hannukah and Kwanzaa and whatever else you want to throw in there). And Star Wars does not have a lot of meaning to me, so that's saying something. Actually, I hate Star Wars. I don't even know why I just used that analogy.

There are a million things about this time of year that piss me off. Religious holidays. The weather - it's never this cold on Thanagar.

The families. The friends.

The lovers.


Nothing makes me feel more... cold. (And I'm not talking about the physical sort of chill. Although, there's always that, too.)

I have friends that I could call, but honestly, I'm not very good company. No one wants to spend their holidays with a surly alien who doesn't celebrate what they're celebrating and can't get into it. It's a real buzzkill. Let 'em be happy. I don't need to drag folks down with me.

Happy whatever. Carter and Kendra, Diana, Zee, J'onn and Jason; Andrea, Debs, Lefty, Dennis, Naomi, Knowbuddy (whoever and wherever you are); Sirius and your crew of refugees, out there somewhere in space - all my friends with something to celebrate -




For now, for this holiday, I'll leave you all alone. I'll walk into the crowd and fade away until all this good cheer has passed. Honestly, either a) you won't notice, or b) you'll assume that I'm doing something, and I'll let you have that assumption. (Or hidden option c - you don't care because you're dead.) It's alright. I really prefer it that way at the moment.

This is just another day for me, and I don't feel like facing your happiness. Because when you're all smiling, I'm even more like an outsider.

And in a weird way, it just... hurts.


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