Nov 26, 2004 18:57
ok, so today i went to go see a movie with meg and mo. we were supposed to see finding neverland..then decided not to since mo had already seen it. (thank god, i dont think i wanna see a movie w/ johnny depp in it w/ girls :p) So we saw the incredibles instead. Pretty cool movie, highly comical. I recommend you all go see it, especially if you like disney movies. I did feel out of place tho...there were all little children and their parents. and then me, meg and mo. pretty entertaining actually :p. So then i got home, ate dinner, and here i am. updating this thing that no one really reads. o well, i dont care, my life's boring as it is. and tomorrow i get to wake up early and go to MSU for a soccer referee recertification clinic from 9 am - 3 pm. o joy, and before that i have to take care of my neighbor's stupid and really really sick cat. im serious, the cat really is sick. She was supposed to die a long time ago..but she hasnt. so now i get double the payment if i kill her mwahahaha *evil grin* but yea, im prolly not gonna kill her...she's such an awesome cat. despite being really old and sick and stupid :p. anyways, thats all, y'all are prolly bored to death by this...peace out
P.S. you know, i just realized how much afi shows up under my music area...w/e. and props to lauren, peter, and tango who took my quiz. And of course meg who took it on xanga :p