SPN/PtL/CHARMED Fic: Brothers and Sisters (1/1) FRT

Apr 07, 2007 11:07

A Supernatural/Poltergeist the Legacy/Charmed crossover sequel to The Better Trade.

Title:  Brothers and Sisters
Author:  Sam
Fandom:  Supernatural/Poltergeist the Legacy/Charmed
Pairings:  Sam/Dean, Nick/Phillip, Derek/Dani (ofc)
Rating:  FRT

Disclaimers:  Not mine, no money made, just trying to pry the muse away from the couch and the bon-bons...

Summary:  After Dean leaves to go face Sam's wrath, Dani makes a phone call.

A/N:  The muse is refusing to write smut so this came out instead.  OFC alert.


Brothers and Sisters

Dani Winchester didn’t know whether to laugh or curse at the retreating form of her older brother as Dean got into the driver’s side of the black Impala with a soft curse of his own and the horrible screeching of tortured metal as he opened and then closed the door.  So she did both, waiting until both brother and car were turning the corner to her sunny little block of suburbia and well out of hearing range, reminding herself to pick up a can of WD40 for Dean for his birthday.  Maybe Sam could convince him to actually use it.  If demons didn’t hear those two coming a mile away with all the screeching those doors did, she would eat her favorite Braves baseball cap.

*Can’t do that - they’ve swept their first series this year.  Even if they did turn around and lose to the Mets last night by 10.*

Closing the door with another sigh, Dani made her way to the phone and decided to give Derek a call.  If nothing else Nick could catch her up on whatever demon activity it was that had lured Sam and Dean Winchester to San Francisco.  If she were lucky she would be able to lure the Precept into the city for dinner and sightseeing along the Wharf.  She swore that man needed to get off the island a little more, and no, werewolf chasing did not count.

Though the older man had looked very sexy in the black leather jacket, holding a crossbow, gray hair haloed by the full moon…

“Yo, Dani-girl, wha’cha got for me?”

Snapped out of her lascivious thoughts by the voice that answered on the other end of the line, Dani smiled.  Gotta love caller ID.

“It’s what you may have for me, O Key-Swallowing One,”  Dani smirked, cradling the phone between her ear and shoulder while rummaging in her purse for a notebook and pen, just in case Nick did, indeed, have something for her.  “Anything demonic I should know about that would serve to bring my brothers Winchester to town?”

She heard Nick swear faintly over the line.  “Damn that was ten years ago.  I’m never going to live that one down, am I?”

“Nope,”  she agreed cheerfully.  “Next time, don’t offer to swallow the Sepulcher key in case of demon attacks.”

“Good point,”  the older man gave in easily.  “And what’s this about Sam and Dean in San Fran?”

Dani shrugged, jostling the phone to sliding down her chest until she got a better grip on it.  Sitting down at the kitchen table, she ignored the cheerful sunlight streaming golden through the windows of her little kitchen for the moment, instead flipping through the steno to a clean, lined page.

“You tell me.  Dean showed up a bit ago looking like he had been a prisoner of the wars and talking about demons. From what I gather, whatever happened, he and Sam have it handled; I’m just looking for any fallout I may need to keep an eye on.”

No need to tell Nick the rest.  It wasn’t like Dean would ever put anyone else in danger from a demonic trade, just himself…idiot.

“Huh.  There’s usually not much that gets past the Sisters.  Let me check with Alex and get back to you,”  Nick promised.  She could hear keys clacking in the background; most likely the former SEAL was in the computer/communications room behind the hologram wall off the secondary library…

She swore the Legacy and the San Francisco House in particular had more computer power than all the government’s alphabet agencies put together.  Of course all that information was golden when it came to tracking down supernatural beasties and putting mismatching pieces of specific lore together.  She knew Sam, at least, was happier now that he and Dean didn’t have to scratch and muddle through newspaper morgues and small town record rooms to come up with intel for their latest Hunts…

Sam’s laptop, for all its bells and whistles, had nothing on the Legacy’s computers when it came to the sheer range of information they had access to now.  A compilation of centuries worth of members doing battle with the Dark Side…

And Nick was right; there wasn’t much that happened demon-wise in the city that the Halliwell Sisters haven’t taken care of or didn’t know about.  Especially since Paige had attained full Whitelighter status.

“Deal.”  Tapping a see-saw with the pen in her right hand, Dani asked,  “Is Derek around?  I was thinking of kidnapping him away from the Island for a chili and bread bowl at Bodine’s on the Wharf.”

“I think you might be able to manage that,”  Nick’s voice chuckled.  Dani could see the smile from across the Bay.  “He had a vid-conference with Sloan earlier and I know Phil’s ready to throw him out of the library if he doesn’t stop muttering curses in Dutch.”

Dani winced.  A vid-conference with the Ruling House was never something to look forward to.  Especially not since Sloan had been rescued, literally, from Hell.  Still, it wasn’t a task Dani envied Derek; even if he and Sloan had been old school pals, once upon a time…

“If he was muttering in Dutch, how does Phillip know he was cursing?  And if you smile any wider, your eyes are going to disappear completely, you know that,”  she told him.

“Yah, yah, hardee, har…”

Squinting out into her back yard at the bird cawing out a warning to her cat, Dani saw Ochosi perched under the cherry tree and about to pounce.  “Yeah well, I’m just saying…”

“And Phil’s absorbed enough Dutch from Derek over the years to know the curse words when he hears them.”

“Ah but does he know what they mean?  I do.”

“From the way he was torn between frowning and blushing enough to set the curtains on fire?  Probably,”  Nick chuckled.

Dani didn’t blame him.  Phillip Callaghan, former Jesuit priest Father Phillip Callaghan, had the highest blush capacity of anyone she had ever seen.  It was cute, really; and Nick certainly loved to see his lover turn varying interesting shades of ‘mortified’.

“Just be sure to save the curtains or Frederick will never forgive you,”  she advised, grinning.  “In the meantime, I’ll double check with Piper and make sure nothing’s happening there we should know about, and call Sam to check Dad’s journal.  Just in case.”

“Yah, good idea.”  The sound of more keys tapping and,  “Say ‘hi’ to Sammy for me.  Tell him if he and Dean want to swing by the castle before they head out, I wouldn’t mind getting Dean’s eyes under the hood of the mustang.  She’s off and damned if I can figure out why.”

“Will do.  Anything else?”

“You know,”  Nick drawled cheekily,  “you could have been a Halliwell sister - you have that look.”

“Bite your tongue!”  Dani snorted, tossing her brown hair over her shoulder, amused despite of herself.  “I’m a Winchester, isn’t that trouble magnet enough?”


crossover, fic, charmed

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