Title: All An Act
Author: Sam-Tony
Fandom: Leverage
Pairing: Eliot/Nate
Rating: FRAO - slash, language, D/s, bit of slimy badguyness
Disclaimer: Not mine, no money made.
Summary: Eliot and Nate go undercover.
A/N: Comment Fic Lonely Prompt - Leverage, dom!Eliot/Nate, putting on an act for a mark.
All An Act
“This yer boy?”
“Yes, he is.”
“Not bad. Little long in the tooth, though ain’t he?”
Eliot smiled through the backhanded compliment and reminded himself that under no circumstances could he wipe that smirk of the mark’s face with his fist. At least not yet. So he threaded his fingers through Nate’s hair where the older man currently knelt by his side and allowed his smile to widen, keeping his body open and relaxed where he sat in the overstuffed easy chair of Weston’s den, enjoying the oilman’s hospitality while they - chatted - over buying and selling human beings.
“Oh he makes up for age with experience,” Eliot smiled, firmly ignoring Hardison’s sputter and Sophie’s attempts to steer the conversation, choosing instead to take a leap from the script they had rehearsed into something he figured Weston’s might be a little more willing to accept, given what he‘d picked up about the man in the last few minutes. Eliot looked down at Nate, the dark head bowed, and asked, “Don‘t you, pet?”
A glance up to showcase the soft, adoring smile, and Nate’s “Yessir, “ flowed over him like honey.
“Been with me a long time, in fact. Which is why I’m not lookin’ at get rid of my boy just yet. Though I am lookin’ at try somethin’ a little…different. Not exactly what a man can find goin‘ through what one might call - normal - channels.”
Weston had servants, sure - but none looked to be over twenty. Hell, if half of the kids Weston had working here were legal, Eliot would tell Sophie and Parker where he hid his payout money - *and* give them the key.
The older man leaned forward, fingers laced together, elbows leaning on his desk as he looked Eliot over. “Really, now. Do tell.”
Knowing he had him curious by the sudden conspiratory gleam in the man’s eye, Eliot repressed the shudder the next bit was going to cause and let his natural southern drawl thicken a bit, pulling them together as fellow Texans.
Feeling the warm weight against his leg as Nate leaned in to his knee, Eliot let his hand run through the loose curls and launched into the story they had come up with over the last three days prep. Cameron Keller had Nate’s general build and coloring and with any luck Weston was as sick a fuck as Eliot thought he was and would get a kick out of the idea of a pseudo father/son pairing, thereby allowing Eliot first bid on the teen.
If not, Eliot would *make* Weston tell him where they were holding the boy and tear through the organization the way he really wanted to, by punching a whole lotta scumbags who had no idea it was coming.