Title: Sacrifice
Author: Sam-Tony
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Castiel/Alistair
Rating: FRAO - slash, torture, non-con
Disclaimer: Not mine, no money made.
Summary: War demands sacrifice, and not just for the Winchesters.
A/N: Comment fic - Leverage, Castiel/Alistair, Don't you remember?
“Ah, Cas,” Alistair tasked almost fondly, rough voice scraping like gravel over his ear as the demon nosed in past the collar on the trench he now wore. “Did you miss me?”
For his part, Castiel could only stand his ground and try to ignore the images that flashed behind his eyes at the reminder; try to ignore the way the words washed over him, hot and shameful. Sinful. Necessary. Then and now.
But Dean and Sam needed time to get away and for that slim chance, Castiel would stand and allow the demon its moment with him….
“Much like Hell, yes?” Alistair cackled quietly. But then, there was no reason to yell; volume was only necessary when the words held nothing of importance. “Don’t you remember?”
He flinched at the hot breath that stirred his hair at the nape of his neck; tried not to lash out at the slick, unwanted slide of the tongue that bathed a burning trail over his throat.
“Unwanted?” the demon cackled darkly, nose once more buried against his neck. Castiel shivered as he was scented, Alistair breathing deep and rumbling low and dark into his skin. “I don’t remember you protesting overly much in Hell, cousin. We made a deal, struck an accord you and I - I would let Dean Winchester go if you surrendered to me. You did - and I did…and didn‘t we have just a lovely time before your little friends caught up with us…”
Dean’s release for Castiel’s submission…but he had known Uriel and the others were close…only moments away…
Torture he could and would withstand - only he could never have imagined what torment the demon could have desired in that brief span of time…
Cas shuddered again at the hand that slipped down into his clothes, the fingernails that raked into the flesh that he wore, drawing thin lines of blood over his stomach as Alistair chuckled deep in his ear, his own borrowed body crowded close, draped over his back.
“Ah what times we had Castiel. How beautifully you screamed for me as I violated your mouth…”
…fire and stone and pain as his knees were forced to the floor of Hell, the demon’s hand in his hair twisting and trapping him there for the cock that broke past his lips, choking and bruising deep and cutting off his screams even as he fought to simply breathe…
“Claimed your body…”
…pushed back, thrown over a large altar-type stone littered with blood and burned flesh and bone…debris that smeared and cut into the flesh of his stomach…biting back the instinctive protest as that small torment was eclipsed, overshadowed by the unfamiliar, unimaginable pain…
Cas shivered now in renewed fear, fighting not to squirm in revulsion as the hard tongue invaded his ear.
“Again…and again…” Alistair tangled his hand in Cas’s hair, pulling his head to the side as his teeth bit bruises into his borrowed flesh and his other hand squeezed painfully around his balls inside the dark slacks. “And again…”
Castiel gasped and whimpered as the hard fingers tightened and gripped cruelly.
….fire and pain and fear at the unwanted hands that gripped him, hurt him and stroked him, his body broken, split apart and bleeding while the sounds of battle, of sword against claws and steel rang out close…
…but not close enough…
…the pain of those claws clamped around the soft flesh of his hips…pain that surrendered to pleasure as the demon changed his attack…momentum gentled though still violent, working him over and making him scream in the pleasure that was so much worse than the pain Castiel would have welcomed in its stead…
“Mmm, good times, Cas,” Alistair’s borrowed voice purred with dark satisfaction in his ear. “You know I will find them, cousin. This new distraction isn’t nearly as noble as you pretend it to be.” That tongue flicked out, rubbing over the bruises already darkening the pale column of his throat. “I think you *do* remember our time together, all too well…”
Cas closed his eyes as the fingers crushing him loosened and began to torture him in a far worse way, rolling and squeezing and fondling the abused genitals until his mouth opened in a silent cry of shame, his hips jerking against his will as his borrowed flesh seized up and spilled over the demon’s hand, unable to shield the brothers and fight the body he wore at the same time.
Weak-kneed and shaking, when Alistair released him it was all Castiel could do to lock his knees and stay upright, unwilling to give the demon any more satisfaction than necessary; anymore than he already had.
When he managed to draw himself up, to turn to face his enemy, Alistair was smirking at him, licking the come from his fingers as if it were the finest of sweets. The demon smirked behind the cold blue eyes, only that last slap allowing Cas to turn away from the abhorrent display.
“I will find him, cousin,” Alistair told him. “And when I do…should I tell him? How much his beloved, pure protector - his chaste, perfect angel - has endured for him?“
“You will tell him nothing,“ Castiel warned.
Alistair advanced quickly, backing the smaller body back against a tree and holding him there. “But it would be such fun…” Fingers trialing lovingly over his face brushed over his lips. Alistair chuckled darkly as he swallowed heavily. “Don‘t worry, cousin…your sacrifice shall be our little secret. Mmmm. For now.”
With that, Alistair was gone, the demon traveling through the underworld, no doubt tracking Sam and Dean wherever the brothers were headed.
Taking a deep breath, Castiel got his borrowed body back under his own control, wrapped the trench coat a little tighter around himself, and begun tracking them himself.