My almost a year old holland lop developed an eye ulcer in his left eye a few days or so ago. The only thing is, it didn't look like anything but a piece of hay in his eye, and from previous experience, I did NOT want to mess with his eyes and thought that he would remove it by himself. We took him to the vet and she gave me these drops and said she'd try to get in an eye infection medication, but if it didn't get any better by Friday (when we go for another check up) that it would have to be removed. I am so torn up by this and I just need some advice, experience, and etc. He is showing no signs of pain, and still binkies around the house and eats everything he normally does, which I'm glad about.
I've heard eye ulcers (corneal ulcers) are somewhat common for bunnies to get, but is it common for bunnies to have to have their eye removed because of it? Will he act the same (if) we have to remove his eye? And what about the anesthesia? Isn't that harmful to bunnies? Is there anything special I should do? Keep him out of his big cage for a while?
:( I love my bunny so much, please help.