
Sep 14, 2003 13:49

Well I jus woke up about an hour and a half ago. My aunt and uncle brought me a whole family meal from I don’t eat that much. They bought it for all of us then Cory (their son) called them to ask if they wanted to go out to eat. So they did that instead.
I called Michael as soon as I woke up. I was gunna see if he wanted to come eat with me but he couldn’t because he didn’t have a ride over here. He wasn’t about to walk over here because he sprained both of his ankles playing BASE-ketball.<- lmao! (Did I just fart?) I didn’t have a way to get him and I’m not about to walk over there. By the time I did the food would be cold and grody anyway.
YESTERDAY- yesterday was a good day. I had to wake up and go to work at 11 but I had a good day. This guy that I like that I work with was like flirting with me all freaking day. I was like..YAY! Daniel told Brooke that he had a gf on like..thurs. or fri. Then he wants us to come over? I think not! I’m not about to go to some guys house that I LIKE when he has a gf. That’s like totally disrespectful. I put myself in her shoes and I didn’t like it that mooch. GD roberts a fuckin dickhead. LET HIM SAY HI TO ME AT SCHOOL. I’ll be like FUCK OFF!!!! ugh I fuckin hate him with a passion. So I like mainly Chris and Carlos. I still sorta like Michael though. Who knows what'll happen??? Anyway I bought my wife another wing. I still hafta pay her back though. There’s something that she doesn’t know…and u don’t either. Only I know..MUAH HA HA HA HA! Ha.....?
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