Looking for several fic types!

Jul 30, 2017 02:53

Hey I'm new to LJ (specifically for this comm. lol) so excuse me if I'm not doing this quite right.
Still, I'm looking for fics of several different types if anyone's got any reccs:

1) People being impressed by Danny - so anything like Danny being a BAMF in general, having specialised skills like being a polyglot or sharpshooting (nothing supernatural like shapeshifting please) or having been/being a part of a different organisation like the FBI/CIA etc. X-overs welcome! Please no woobie-fying. Slash or gen is coolio!

2) Fics focusing on Chin&Danny or Kono&Danny - preferably gen, fics dealing with situations that either of these pairings have to muddle through, like hostage situations or having to solve a case with only themselves, or supporting each other through tough situations. Also rare-pairings if you wanna chuck some out? Like maybe uh, Sang Min&Danny or Max&Danny? Idk.

3) Any sort of fic dealing with people Danny knew pre-series, so childhood friends making a re-appearance, old work colleagues, previous bosses or hey if you can find any, fics where Meka didn't die? We only saw him post-mortem but I already loved the dude :(( He and Danny seemed good buddies.

Mahalo comm. <3

genre: miscellaneous, character: danny, pairing: danny/kono, pairing: chin/danny, !!rec request, genre: hurt/comfort, pairing: danny/steve, genre: angst, genre: gen, genre: crossover

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