My interesting stuff

Feb 23, 2007 15:40

I have been afflicted with the consumption this week. Or it might as well have been. OK. Stomach flu.

Even the sheer mightyness that I am known and loved for could not combat this virus bastard. This was my schedule on Monday (day one of horrible outbreak)

9am: Wake up. Icky.

11am: Midterm. Baby aliens in tummy.

12:15pm: Barf in bus stop garbage can. Grown up aliens in Tummy.

12:30pm: Home on couch, Law and Order megathon on TNT (Drama Television), nap. Aleins in epic battle with centaurs, centaurs have bayonettes.

1-6pm: A pattern of sleep, wake up, barf, law and order, and back to sleep again. Additional glaze coating of high fever and mega grumpyness.

6pm: Roomate comes home, dotes on me, I inform her because of our shared love of V8 Splash Tropical Blend, she's next.

6:15-9pm: Lay on couch, barf barf barf.

9pm: Heroes is on and Ill be damned if im missing that.

10:01pm: Post Heroes barf (I do that every week anyway because that show commands me to do so).

10:05pm-5am: Don't remember

5am-7am: wake up recovered enough to get some things done the aliens wouldn't let me do yesterday, they are taking a nap for the time being. Call into work.

7:01: Aliens wake up, take on the next opponent, Mr McCoy From Law and Order.

This additionally gives me the opportunity to mention that days do not start until you wake up and do not end until you go to bed. As of Today, Friday, I have, despite my efforts, have given it to 5 people. You're next! HAHAHA! Don't worry though! You'll lose weight and you sleep schedule will be awesome from the lack of doing anything for days. Hell, you should thank me. HAHA! Hell isn't real!

the consumption

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