AP US Bernstein and Gershwin Thesis Outline

Jan 07, 2005 05:20

I'd just like to say to you freshman and sophmores, BEWARE OF JUNIOR YEAR! You better enjoy your life now because junior year you won't HAVE one! Yeah, and seriously kids, don't do your work last minute. You don't want to end up like me here. It's 5:21 a.m., I have an awful headache and here I am writing my outling for my junior thesis paper. Especially you musicians. You better be wise of what classes you take because if you're going to be taking 3 aps or more like me, you better know you're doomed. Social life=not that existent and things can get stressful and depressing sometimes. Heck, I don't even know whey i'm writing this right now. I should go do my pre-calc hw and study for my two quizes tomorrow. Well, i'd just like to say that i've warn you. So don't think that highschool is all party and fun. BECAUSE IT'S NOT!
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