yaay am happy i finally got my hotel room : )

Mar 15, 2007 22:11


I finally got my hotel room  i have been  going though  a whole lots of drama and its all about getting an hotel room  for Kawaii-kon ....  So i took my dad Master Card and  went  online  and  reserv my room its much faster then  calling them .  But i made a few mistake  i  miss spell my  town name  and  my e-mail address  * slap  her forehead * But i call Outrigger  and  i  fix it  hehehe  i guess i was excited that i didnt  check it twice before  i click the  okay button silly me .

Then  just  couple mintues later  i  ask  to  check in  early instead of 12 pm i add 12 am  O_O then i read  my printed  Confirmation  my check in is 3 pm  and check out is 12 pm  so   i was  safe for now untill i call outrigger again .  My e-mail confirmation  will be  here with in 24 hours  .

For 3 nights  all i go to pay $ 399.69 plus the $150 dollar  for the deposit  since i will be paying in cash . Me and my friend mililani is going to  split the bill.  This will the last time that my dad will paying  my hotel bill  he being helping me for  3 years now and he will stop this year . SO that mean i go to find a job after the con is over which i will do ..

Now that i got my hotel room  i need to get my new state ID .... Then  am done for now .

OMFG  i forgot my   staff meeting is  on March 31st  BLAH i amost forgot  damn  >.<  how could a ASST. Director  forgets that  T_T ....

happy very happy

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