Title: Off The Grid
azuremonkeyWord Count: 41,953
Rating: Teens & Up
Genre: Fusion (Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol); Pre Slash; Action/Adventure; Mission Fic
Characters/Pairings: Steve McGarrett/Danny Williams, Chin Ho Kelly, Kono Kalakaua and the rest of the gang
Warnings: Movie level violence and graphic language
Summary: The IMF's most experienced agent is needed to take on the World's most dangerous terrorist. Unfortunately, the team Steve McGarrett has on hand to help out is not one he would have picked, nor are the circumstances of the mission anything but trouble, of the worst kind. Kinda like Steve's attraction to IMF's Chief Analyst, Danny Williams.
Link to fic master post:
http://archiveofourown.org/works/507518Link to art master post: