Title: The ever-living ghost of what once was
moogsthewriter Fandom: Hawaii Five-0
Prompt: Scar
Rating: PG
Genre: Gen, angst, friendship
Characters: Kono, mentions of Danny, Steve, Chin
Spoilers/warnings: Implied abuse. No ep spoilers.
Length: 300
Disclaimer: Don’t own. Title comes from Band of Horse’s “No One’s Gonna Love You”
Notes: It’s like the mods read my mind for this week's prompt--I’ve had this idea in my head for awhile. There may be more to this later; not sure yet. First H50 story, fyi. Fake cut is fake, and cross-posted at ff.net and
Summary: Scars tell stories; Kono’s not sure she wants to know this one.
Scars tell stories. )