Title: Sting
melindajane Characters/Pairings: Steve/Danno gen/pre-slash
Word Count: exactly 300. That was hard!
Prompt: Jellyfish
Rating: R for language
Genre: Gen, fluff, humor.
Warnings: There’s a bit of a squick warning that goes along with an old myth that goes along with how to neutralize the sting of a jellyfish. Don’t worry, it doesn’t actually happen.
Spoilers: None.
Summary: Steve takes care of Danny after he gets stung by a jellyfish.
Disclaimer: Not mine and never happened. No profit either. I got hosed.
Danny winced as soon as his ass hit the sand. It felt like fire was traveling up his leg. For once he didn’t care about his knee. This pain seemed to go deeper.
“So help me God, McGarett. If you whip out your dick and piss on me to neutralize this, they won’t find the body.”
Steve shook his head and sat in front of his partner to assess the sting. “That’s an urban myth. And yes, before you ask, they taught us that in SEAL school.”
Danny gritted his teeth and wished he had a comeback, but he didn’t.
“Come on. Where’s the Jersey attitude I know and hate? No Army comment? No lecture on exactly how the ocean is evil and why Grace is never setting foot in it again?”
A smile threatened to curl the sides of Danny’s mouth, but he resisted.
“Alright. You’re not suffering from anaphylaxis and the swelling is minimal, stop feeling sorry for yourself. Best remedy for a sting is a shower and some vinegar, brah. I’ll even order a pizza.”
Danny got up with Steve’s help and only groaned once. To be honest, it didn’t hurt as bad as he imagined it to at the beginning.
“Fine. But there better be beer with that pizza. And if anybody hears about this, it was a big one. I’m talking Portuguese Man Of War big. You got me?”
There was exactly ten seconds of silence before Steve caved.
“You know, The Portuguese Man Of War isn’t actually a jellyfish.”
“Shut up, Steve.” Danny made sure to interrupt him before he could figure out exactly what it was and what it did.
One thing was true. There was no way that any crazy Hawaiian was going to talk him into going in the water again.
The End.
AN 2: I have no idea who came up with that urban myth, or old wives tale, or whatever it is, but they are obviously very strange.
AN 3: I love this fandom. And I’m sorry for bothering you with my insanity.