Title: Coming Together, Miles Apart
Author: fabulousweapon
Rating: R
Paring: Steve/Catherine, Steve/Kono, Steve/Nick
Warnings: Voyeurism
Author's note: Don't own 'em. If I did this shit would be on tv
Prompt at
h50kinkmemeOriginal prompt by
shinysylver Catherine, voyeurism
From the middle of the ocean she uses that fancy Navy satellite technology to watch. I don't care who she watches, but bonus points if it involves Steve.
Chapter 1: Just a Little Look
AO3 or
LJ Chapter 2: In the Navy
AO3 or
LJ SIDENOTE: The reason why I'm posting this here is even though the first chapter is het the story will be mainly slash, and end with my favorite Steve/Danny pairing. If this isn't okay mods, just let me know or take it down.
I figured since it is predominatly slash it would be okay.
Also, could we get: pairing: mcgarrett/taylor and kink: voyeruism tags please mods?