
Oct 01, 2014 18:59

Title: Filters
Author: usakiwigirl
Pairings/Characters: Steve McGarrett/Danny Williams
Rating: NC-17, Explicit, NSFW
Word Count: 2394
Genre: PWP
Summary: Danny doesn't always have the best control over his brain-to-mouth filter, especially when it comes to interactions with Steve
Warnings: Sex. Lots and lots of sex. Oh, I'm sorry, you wanted actual warnings
Beta: None
Disclaimer: All characters belong to CBS. No copyright infringement is intended
Note: It's been a very, very long time since I've felt capable of writing anything other than my name - and even that was a dodgy prospect some days. Please to be letting me know if this is not up to my previous standards

Posted on "AO3". Please leave any comments there, or here, either way is fine. Thanks.

(Originally posted to AO3 about a week ago, so you may have seen it already. I'm just a little slow with the crossposting, sorry.)

genre: romance, genre: kink (dirty talk), fanfic, rating: nc-17, pairing: mcgarrett/danno, genre: pwp, genre: humour

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