Danno's Desktop Challenge Invite

Mar 06, 2014 23:33

Hello everyone! The small community of Danno's Desktop is inviting you to participate in a new challenge starting April1st. Like the former shoot_the_curl community we are going to try a 24 Hour Fic Challenge. Basically anyone who wishes to participate will need to go to dannos_desktop and sign up on the Mod Post there. Then on April 1st one random participant will be chosen to start the challenge off. I will give a prompt for them to go off and they will have 24 hours to write and/or draw something inspired by the prompt they were given. When they post their response on the community page they will chose one person from the list of participants and tag them and give them a prompt. That person will then have 24 hours to complete theirs and pass it on. If you are unable to participate at the time you are chosen you will have 24 hours to contact me and I will chose a new person to take your place and you can be added back onto the list for later.

If you don't want to participate, that's fine. I hope you will come around to view the results and maybe to participate in the kink meme we have going or one of the past monthly challenges.

miscellaneous, other, news

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