i got the part time teaching job with after school matters through the friends of the parks.
yay for teaching environmental science. sometimes with art. sometimes with woods.
the weather is purrfect.
(edit: in october i am moving to california and whipple. the school i'll be teaching at is at california and north. Δd = 2.5
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Comments 6
and Hah! I read and render too quickly sometimes so much so that I don't wait until the end of the sentence to qualify. "in october I am moving to california" sounded possible and insane for a minute. but, i have an uncommon basis for reality and what's possible.
i'm on "earth team", team teaching 30-40 kids in a science lab at ramirez highschool but most of our time will be actually in humboldt park, doing water sampling and tree tagging and making with the art and ecology. i am teaching with an adorable girl named jasmine who *also* is my age and an artist that happens to like the environment.
so excited!
Hurrah for Earth!
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