A - age you lost your virginity?
Still a virgin.
B - band you're listening to right now?
Bullet For My Valentine.
C - dream car?
Let's see, umm... a silver Aviator would be nice.
D - dads name?
E - easiest person to make laugh?
Probably Delta... I make her squeak all the time... it's funny.
F - food you miss most?
Spaghetti ;_;
G - any encounters with ghosts?
H - person(s) most hated at the moment?
No one.
I - interesting fact about yourself?
I am very lame.
J - favorite junk food?
K - kissing with eyes opened or closed?
With NO eyes.
L - last time you did LSD?
M - most memorable moment?
Too many memorable moments to pick from.
N - nicknames?
Moses, Mosey, Black, Blackass, Fatty, Fatass, Nosey (I've only been
called that once), Moi (Only, and ONLY my little niece can call me
O - what's the most valued possession?
I'd put friends, but I don't OWN them... Um... I guess... my life.
P - position of choice?
Upside down ;o
Q - the last quote you heard?
"And I'll never have to see the sun again... There's enough light in
your eyes to light up our little world..." - Atreyu's This Flesh A
Tomb... It was on someone's SN when they signed in... and I sang it
right after I read it, heh.
R - your last allergic reation?
I'm not allergic to anything.
S - song you sang last?
I THINK it was Kill The Music... yeah, I just listened to it.
T - time you woke up?
U - favorite pair of underwear?
No underwear.
V - vegetable you hate most?
I hate every single vegetable.
W - what are you the most afraid of?
Being alone.
X - x-rated love life?
I don't know... prolly not.
Y - year you were born?
Z - zodiac sign?